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Victoria PS, Carrickfergus

What's New?

2019/2020 School Year

23rd Oct 2019
The children enjoyed a visit from Alan and his wee critters. He brought a cockroach,...
23rd Oct 2019
The children have been enjoying painting pictures and talking about what they have...
15th Oct 2019
As well as making delicious scones today, P2 also drew beautiful pastel pictures. We...
15th Oct 2019
P2 are learning all about harvest time. We read the story of The Little Red Hen and...
15th Oct 2019
We had a mission to design and create some marble run games for the Primary...
14th Oct 2019
Today our Mission Monday challenge was to make a marble run for Mrs. Honey's grandson,...
11th Oct 2019
As part of their topic 'Famine'. All Primary 7 children had a fantastic time...
11th Oct 2019
A massive thank you to all parents and carers for supporting our 'When I grow up'...
7th Oct 2019
On Friday the children put on outdoor suits and their wellies for the first time...
4th Oct 2019
Today our class visited the Recycling Bus. We learned all about recycling and the...