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Children's Mental Health Week
I'm sure you are aware that Children's Mental Health Week runs from 1st -7th February.
As a school we had planned a Mindfulness Month for both staff and children but unfortunately Covid has spoiled our plans. Once we are all together again in school we'll start our Mindfulness programme.
In the meantime there are lots of resources available online but we thought we would suggest a few for you to look at with your child/children during the week.
For Nursery and Foundation
Try the Cbeebies Go Explore App. There are some games to play in the Mindful Garden.
For Nursery, Foundation and KS1
EYFS / KS1: Feeling Better - BBC Teach - A collection of clips that explore a whole range of feelings and emotions, as well as providing talking points and tools to feel better.
For KS2
PSHE KS2: Growth Mindset - BBC Teach - A collection of clips that help unlock growth mindset ideas for pupils using a cast of animated characters who explore the differences between fixed and growth mindsets.
For Everyone
Super Mood Movers - BBC Teach - this page contains Super Mood Movers videos, created in partnership with Children in Need and the Premier League, to enhance the wellbeing of your children.
Remember to - keep talking to friends and family, be active, keep learning- maybe try a new hobby or skill, relax, do things that make you happy and be kind.
Have a great week.
Victoria Primary School & Nursery Unit Coronaton Rd, Carrickfergus, County Antrim, BT38 7EZ | Tel: 028 9335 1781